sinds 16-5-2024 19:11:37

foto 2
prijs: € 7
Locatie : Hulshout  (Antwerpen)


Soort boek : Paperback
Staat : Gebruikt


Are you in love--or addicted? How to know when to call it quits...and how to find the courage to call it quits.
Are you unable to leave a love relationship even though it gives you more pain than joy? Your judgment and self-respect tell you to end it, but still, to your dismay, you hang on. You are addicted--to a person. Now there is an insightful, step-by-step guide to breaking that addiction--and surviving the split. Drawing on dozens of provocative case histories, psychotherapist Howard Helpern explains to you:
- Why you can get addicted to a person.
- Why and how you may try to deceive yourself. ("He really loves me, he just doesn't know how to show it.")
- How you can recognize the symptoms of a bad relationship.
- How to deal with the power moves and guilt trips your partner uses to hold you.
- Why strong feelings of jealousy do not mean you are "in love."
- How to get through the agonizing breakup period--without going back.
- How not to get caught in such a painful relationship again.

Kenmerken: Soort boek: Paperback, Staat: Gebruikt, Kopen in Hulshout

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